
Insurance Guidelines

Clients are required to pay for each session upfront, either through direct payment or with the expectation of potential partial reimbursement from their out-of-network benefits. At the end of each month, I will provide you with a detailed receipt (superbill) that you can submit to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement. Reimbursement rates and eligibility for out-of-network services vary depending on your insurance plan and diagnosis. I recommend contacting your insurance company to determine the specifics of your coverage.

Why I am not paneled with insurance

I have chosen not to participate in insurance panels for several reasons. Insurance companies, while not mental health professionals, typically require involvement in treatment planning, record review, and service evaluation. Here are considerations I have taken into account and suggest you consider as well:

  • Insurance companies mandate a diagnosis submission for reimbursement, even after the initial session. This diagnosis becomes a permanent part of your medical record. In couples therapy, one partner must be designated as the "patient," necessitating a diagnosis for the couple's treatment.

  • It's common for insurance companies to request additional clinical details once therapy begins, such as personal information, treatment plans, or session notes.

  • Insurance providers may limit treatment by controlling session frequency or requiring specific treatment methods.

  • Reimbursement rates for providers are dictated by insurance companies and can vary widely between different insurers.

  • Engaging with insurance companies demands extra time and negotiation, which can be financially burdensome for individual providers and often requires a dedicated billing team.

What to consider when utilizing insurance for therapy

Most insurance plans include coverage for mental health services, which can offset some of the therapy costs (typically with a copay that remains the patient's responsibility). However, it's essential for each client to weigh whether the benefits of financial reimbursement outweigh the potential loss of time, autonomy, and privacy. It's important to remember that mental health claims often face initial denials. However, you have the right to appeal these denials.

Please don't hesitate to discuss this further with me if you'd like more information.

Sliding Scale/Reduced Fee

Slide Scale/Reduced Fee

I set aside a portion of my client slots for individuals who require reduced rates or a sliding scale. Please feel free to inquire about availability or share any concerns you have about costs, as this is a conversation we can revisit as needed throughout our work together.

For quality of care & privacy, I am not paneled with insurance companies; instead I provide superbills for you to submit to your insurance. Many of my clients receive 50-80 percent back in reimbursement from their health insurance, if they have out-of-network benefits.

Good Faith Estimate

(Estimated Costs Disclosure)

Effective January 1, 2022, a ruling went into effect called the “No Surprises Act,” which requires mental health practitioners to provide a “Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) about out-of-network care to any patient who is uninsured or who is insured but does not plan to use their insurance benefits to pay for health care items and/or services

The Good Faith Estimate works to show the cost of items and services that are reasonably expected for your mental health care needs. The estimate is based on information known at the time the estimate was created. The Good Faith Estimate does not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during treatment.

You are entitled to receive this “Good Faith Estimate” of what the charges could be for psychotherapy services provided to you. Your total cost of services will depend upon the number of psychotherapy sessions you attend, your individual circumstances, and the type and amount of services that are provided to you. This estimate is not a contract and does not obligate you to obtain any services from the provider listed, nor does it include any services rendered to you that are not identified here. 

  • By law, healthcare providers are required to provide uninsured patients or those not using insurance with an upfront estimate of charges for medical services and related items. This includes costs for medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

  • Ensure your healthcare provider furnishes you with a written Good Faith Estimate at least one business day before your scheduled medical service or item. You can also request estimates from other providers before scheduling any service or item.
    If your final bill exceeds the estimated amount by at least $400, you have the option to dispute the discrepancy.

  • Remember to retain a copy or capture an image of your Good Faith Estimate for reference.

  • For additional information or questions regarding your right to a Good Faith Estimate, please visit


Appointment Cancellations and Tardiness
Each appointment is a dedicated slot reserved for you. If you are unable to attend, kindly notify me at least 48 hours in advance. Failure to do so or missing your session will result in a charge for the canceled or missed appointment. Please note that weekends are excluded from the 48-hour cancellation policy. For example, for a Monday 8am appointment, cancellations must be made by the prior Thursday at 8am. For a Friday 8am appointment, cancellations must be made by the prior Wednesday at 8am.

Additionally, if you are more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled session, it may be canceled and billed as a no-show. Please be aware that insurance companies do not reimburse for canceled or missed sessions, and you are responsible for the associated costs. Sessions that start late will generally conclude at their scheduled time.

Message Handling and Accessibility
When calling my office at (206) 651-4101, you can leave a voicemail, and I will return your call within 24 hours. If you have not received a callback, it may indicate that I did not receive your message, as it is my intention to respond promptly.

Crisis Support
In the event of a crisis, please seek immediate assistance by contacting the 24/7 Crisis Line at 1-866-427-4747 or 9-8-8  or dialing 9-1-1.

Payment Terms
Payment for therapy sessions is due at the beginning of each appointment, unless alternative arrangements have been made. Credit card details are required for scheduling online sessions. Payments can be made in cash, by check, or through your online portal.

All information shared during your sessions is confidential and will not be disclosed without your explicit written consent. There are exceptions mandated by law, such as imminent risk to yourself or others, suspected abuse of a child or vulnerable adult, or compliance with a court-issued subpoena.

If you have concerns or complaints about your treatment, please discuss them with me directly. I take your feedback seriously and will respond with sensitivity and professionalism. If you feel your concerns have not been addressed adequately, or if you believe there has been unethical conduct, you can contact:

Health Systems Quality Assurance Complaint Intake PO Box 47857 Olympia, WA 98504-7857

Phone: 360-236-4700 Email: